Risk Adjustment for Insurance Contracts Under IFRS 17
The International Actuarial Association (IAA) is pleased to announce the publication of our Educational Monograph on Risk Adjustments for Insurance Contracts Under IFRS 17.
In May 2017, the International Financial Reporting Standard 17 (IFRS 17) — Insurance Contracts, was released, with an implementation date of January 1st, 2021.
The measurement model within IFRS 17 was designed to include explicit provision for non-financial uncertainties of cash flows in the form of a risk adjustment for non-financial risk. The objective of this monograph is to address the educational needs of practitioners in the insurance field who are involved in the preparation and auditing of financial statements under IFRS 17. While a substantial amount of actuarial literature is available for various applications of risk margins, much of that material is not directly applicable to the specific needs of IFRS 17. This monograph addresses this need by providing a focused source of technical education material as IFRS 17 comes into effect.
While IFRS 17 does not specify how the objective of setting an appropriate risk adjustment should be achieved, this monograph provides descriptions and illustrative examples of techniques that could be applied in the risk adjustment calculation for various types of insurance contracts. While specific practice guidance or interpretations regarding IFRS 17 will come from other sources, this monograph will help educate and assist practitioners as practices emerge.
Masaaki Yoshimura, IAA President, stated “In the world of insurance, based on the business of managing uncertainty and risk, adjustments for risk have been an integral part since the earliest days of accounting for such business. The publication of this monograph is a key milestone which provides educational material specific to IFRS 17 for practitioners in the insurance sectors. A must read for anyone in the field!”
This monograph forms an important part of the IAA’s research and educational objectives, to facilitate and provide useful educational material that is accessible to actuaries everywhere. It will be complemented by a model International Actuarial Standard of Practice and an International Actuarial Note, both of which are currently under development.
This project has been made possible through the generous support of the following actuarial organizations:
- AFIR-ERM Section
- ASTIN Section
- Actuaries Institute Australia
- Canadian Institute of Actuaries
- Institute of Actuaries of Japan
- Institute & Faculty of Actuaries (United Kingdom)
- The Actuarial Foundation (United States)
- Casualty Actuarial Society (United States)
- Society of Actuaries Financial Reporting Section (United States)
In addition to their financial support, these organizations appointed representatives who have provided technical guidance and ongoing monitoring of the project as members of the ad hoc Project Oversight Group created to oversee the project. Other members include the leadership of the IAA committees on Insurance Accounting and Insurance Regulation. The authors are from a team of professionals from Deloitte.
Комитет МAA выпускает документ по оценке и отчетности актуарных обязательств систем социального страхования
The International Actuarial Association’s Social Security Committee (SSC) is pleased to announce the publication of the paper Measuring and Reporting Actuarial Obligations of Social Security Systems<https://www.actuaries.
Social security arrangements, particularly social security retirement systems (SSRSs), are founded through legislation and generally very important, both in sheer size and to their many stakeholders. Actuarial measurement of and reporting on their current and expected future financial status are crucial inputs to a proper understanding of their sustainability (their ability to fulfil current promises to pay benefits to people over the long term) and how they affect the finances of the government as a whole and the entire economy as measured in national accounts.
This principles-based paper presents the SSC’s perspectives on measurement and reporting of actuarial obligations of SSRSs and emphasizes the importance of relevant disclosures.
In particular, this paper:
• Discusses the nature of SSRSs and how they differ from, say, occupational pensions,
• Discusses the importance of assessing long-term sustainability of SSRSs,
• Describes the attributes of open group and closed group actuarial valuation approaches,
• Emphasizes the value and importance of using open group approaches in valuing SSRSs and in assessing a SSRS’s long-term sustainability,
• Explains why comprehensive disclosures are critical to supporting informed decision-making about SSRSs, and
• Encourages the involvement of qualified actuaries in performing actuarial calculations.
Barbara D’Ambrogi-Ola, SSC Chairperson, who led the development of the paper, said “The SSC is very pleased to release this paper that we hope will serve as a basis for our future discussions with national and supranational organizations concerned with measurement and reporting of social security obligations. The SSC welcomes any opportunity to engage with outside stakeholders on this important topic.”
The paper is available on the IAA website under PUBLICATIONS/PAPERS<https://
This activity supports the IAA’s mission to promote the role, reputation and recognition of the actuarial profession. Further, it contributes towards achieving the IAA’s strategic objectives to provide relevant supranational organizations with actuarial input on matters of importance; to facilitate the coordination, use and expansion of the scientific knowledge and skills of the actuarial profession; and, to help enhance the scope, availability, and quality of actuarial services offered by individual members of its member associations.
To learn more about the work of the IAA on this topic, contact the Director of Technical Activities at the IAA Secretariat.
The International Actuarial Association is the worldwide association of professional actuarial associations, with a number of special-interest sections for individual actuaries. Founded in 1895, the IAA exists to encourage the development of a global actuarial profession that is acknowledged as technically competent and professionally reliable, ensuring that the public interest is served. The IAA has 73 Full Member Associations, representing 98 percent of qualified actuaries worldwide, and 25 Associate Member Associations.
Прессрелиз по итогам конференции IAIS в Куала Лумпуре
Global Agreement to Enhance Actuarial Skills Announced
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – On 1 November 2017, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the International Actuarial Association (IAA) and the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) signed a five-year agreement at the IAIS Annual Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to enhance the actuarial skills of supervisory authorities. The key outcomes will be the development and delivery of supervisory capacity building training programs on actuarial services.
Victoria Saporta, IAIS Executive Committee Chair, said: “The IAIS is pleased to be a founding partner of this new initiative and looks forward to seeing the delivery of actuarial capacity building for IAIS members. This will help address a long-standing need of insurance supervisors and directly benefit the supervisors and the insurers they supervise”.
Thomas S. Terry, IAA President, said: “The IAA is pleased to be a partner and integral contributor to this exciting and important global initiative. We fully support the need for actuarial capacity building, especially in emerging markets, with respect to both financial services supervisors and the industries they supervise. The partners to this initiative share a common commitment to the public interest and the long-term interests of all policyholders”.
Peter Braumüller, A2ii Governing Council Chair, said: “Working with insurance supervisors in Latin America, Africa and Asia, the A2ii has seen the challenges insurance supervisors face in trying to move their markets towards a more risk-based approach to setting capital requirements when little or no local actuarial expertise is available. The A2ii is delighted to partner with the IAA and IAIS to address this gap and expand our supervisory capacity building”.
To view the executed agreement, please click here<https://www.iaisweb.org/
The IAIS is a voluntary membership organization of insurance supervisors and regulators from more than 210 jurisdictions with a mission to promote effective and globally consistent supervision of the insurance industry to develop and maintain fair, safe and stable insurance markets for the benefit and protection of policyholders and contribute to global financial stability.www.iaisweb.org<http
The IAA is the worldwide association of representing 98 professional actuarial associations, with a number of special-interest sections for individual actuaries. The IAA exists to encourage the development of a global actuarial profession that is acknowledged as technically competent and professionally reliable, ensuring that the public interest is served. www.actuaries.org<http://www.
The A2ii supports insurance supervisors in promoting access to insurance for underserved and low-income populations. It is the IAIS implementation partner on financial inclusion and capacity building. a2ii.org<http://www.a2ii.org/>
Please click here<http://www.actuaries.org/
На следующей неделе с 18 до 23 апреля 2017 года пройдет очередной Съезд Международной актуарной ассоциации (МАА). В этот раз повестка Съезда расширена тремя дополнительными мероприятиями.
18 апреля подкомитет по Евразии и Ближнему Востоку проведет семинар для актуарных ассоциаций региона. Основная задача семинара – оказать содействие в развитии актуарных ассоциаций, относительно недавно получивших звание действительного члена МАА.
Презентации и панельные дискуссии по вопросам реализации образовательных программ, взаимодействия с регуляторами, продвижения бренда, разработки актуарных стандартов, установления внутренних процедур саморегулирования будут представлены известными представителями актуарного сообщества – Крисом Дейкиным (Chris Daykin), Владимиром Новиковым ( Vladimir Novikov), Ибрагимом Муханной (Ibrahim Muhanna), Габором Ханаком (Gábor Hanák) , Питером Дойлем (Peter Doyle). Жюль Гриббл (Jules Gribble) представит новый совместный проект Международной ассоциации страховых надзоров и МАА по вмененному страхованию. Программа семинара находится по следующей ссылке http://www.actuaries.org/
В тот же день семинар по вопросам продолжительности жизни и старения населения соберет весь цвет профессионалов этой предметной области. Эрмано Питакко (Ermanno Pitacco), Брайан Ридсдейл (Brian Ridsdale), Сэм Гуттерман (Sam Gutterman), Саймон Бримблекомб (Simon Brimblecombe), Эл Клейн (Al Klein), Ася Биллиг (Assia Billig), Мартин Стевенсон (Martin Stevenson), Эндрю Кеирнс (Andrew Cairns), Гула Хорват (Gyula Horváth) сделают доклады по различным направлениям исследований. Программа семинара доступна по ссылке http://www.actuaries.org/
В заключительный день Съезда пройдет заседание Круглого стола по формированию актуарных стандартов (Standard Setters Round Table – SSRT), в который входят делегаты стран, где существуют официально признанные процессы создания актуарных стандартов.
Мероприятие в Будапеште характеризуется активным участием представителей российской актуарной профессии. Активность наших коллег заметно повысилась после успешного проведения Съезда МАА в Санкт Петербурге в 2016 году, который организовывался по приглашению Гильдии актуариев.
Семинар для актуариев Евразии и Ближнего Востока организован в рамках возглавляемого Владимиром Новиковым подкомитета. Георгий Белянкин, Алексей Аржанов, Арсений Тимаков участвуют в заседаниях своих профильных комитетов. Ксения Новикова как руководитель подкомитета по маркетингу рабочей группы по смертности сделала много для успеха семинара по вопросам долголетия и старения населения. Ирина Мельникова выступит с докладом на заседании SSRT. Следует отметить, что получившая на Съезде в Санкт Петербурге статус ассоциированного члена Ассоциация Профессиональных актуариев также направляет на мероприятие двух делегатов, что несомненно поможет им продвигаться по пути полноценного международного признания в будущем.
At the Council meeting in Cape Town, the Actuarial Profession Brand Statement <http://www.
As part of this exercise, and described in Peter Doyle <http://www.actuaries.
The template is free to use by all member associations and can be customized as required by adding your association logo, changing the graphics, text, language, case studies, etc. to fit your particular jurisdiction and/or audience. Content that can be used includes the typical roles of an actuary, fast facts, history of the actuarial profession, international footprint, skills required to be an actuary, value proposition, industry and work coverage, brand message statement, etc.
Additionally, at the request of several member associations, the IAA logo was embedded in the design files should you wish to make use of it to indicate that you are a member association of the IAA.
Please let us know if you intend to make use of the template and/or if your association intends to translate the text. We will gladly host any translated versions on the IAA website so that other member associations may access them.
Уважаемые коллеги!
Информируем Вас о том, что Рабочая группа по вопросам смертности (Mortality Working Group, MWG) Международной Актуарной Ассоциации (International Actuarial Association, IAA) опубликовала на сайте IAA материалы с заседания MWG, которое прошло в г. Кейптаун, Южная Африка, в ноябре 2016 г. Материалы содержат: MWG Update (краткое изложение заседания/деятельности MWG), Minutes (детальное изложение заседания/деятельности MWG), презентации.
Материалы, некоторые из которых доступны на 11 языках, в том числе и на русском языке, находятся по следующей ссылке:http://www.actuaries.org/
Вы можете проинформировать заинтересованных коллег об опубликованных материалах.
В дополнение к этому для улучшения своей деятельности Рабочая группа по вопросам смертности IAA создала мини-опросник, который просит Вас заполнить до 20 марта 2017 г.: https://www.surveymonkey.com/
Также информируем Вас о том, что 18 апреля 2017 г. планируется проведение семинара, организуемого MWG совместно с IAA Populations Issues Working Group, в Будапеште, Венгрия. Семинар будет посвящен популяционным темам, темам смертности и долголетия. Семинар будет открыт для всех желающих, при этом регистрация необходима. Повестка, информация по регистрации и прочие детали по семинару будут скоро сформированы и размещены на сайте IAA. Сообщение о своей заинтересованности в семинаре Вы можете направлять на: iaamwg@actuaries.org<mailto:ia
В случае возникновения вопросов, обращайтесь к Ксении Новиковой, члену Рабочей группы по вопросам смертности, представителю Российской Гильдии Актуариев: ksenia_ore@hotmail.com<mailto: